+86 0551-63601307


  • 王百宗
  • 2023-07-04
  • 1970


吴乐 博士 特任副研究员

图书馆VIP 信息科学技术学院 电子工程与信息科学系





吴乐,图书馆VIP电子工程与信息科学系特任副研究员。2016年本科毕业于合肥工业大学生物医学工程专业,2021年博士毕业于图书馆VIP生物医学工程专业。目前主要研究兴趣包括医学人工智能、脑机接口,特别是神经信号鲁棒解码研究。近5年来,在国际主流期刊及会议如IEEE SPMTBMETIMTNSREKBSEMBC等已发表论文24篇,担任IEEE TIMTNSRETBMESPL期刊审稿人。相关成果荣获2023年中国生物医学工程大会青年学者优秀论文竞赛唯一一等奖(脑器交互与神经工程分会场)、2020年全国智能医学工程博士生论坛学生竞赛唯一一等奖、2019年中国康复辅助器具产业创新大会“康复辅助器具创新设计大赛”创意组二等奖。





  • 癫痫发作预测:旨在利用多模态神经生理信号预测癫痫发作,通过提前预警发作降低患者潜在风险,并为闭环神经调控提供条件。相关应用可极大提高癫痫患者生活水平。

  • 运动意图解码:旨在通过肌肉收缩时产生的电信号精准解析运动意图,并克服实际使用过程中跨天、跨用户、无关运动等干扰因素等影响。相关研究可促进假肢控制及康复领域发展,为行动障碍人员带来新的希望。

  • 脑电信号降噪:旨在去除头皮脑电信号采集过程中混入的肌电、眼电、运动、工频干扰等噪声,降噪技术的优劣是后续神经信号分析准确与否的先决条件。


目前担任IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringJournal of Neural EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIEEE Signal Processing Letter等期刊审稿人。


  1. 国家重点研发项目子课题“多模态神经电生理信号处理算法研究”,起止时间202112月至202411月,在研,子课题负责人

  2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目“基于多模态生理信息融合的癫痫发作预测方法研究”,起止时间20231月至202412月,在研,负责人

  3. 图书馆VIP青年创新基金项目“鲁棒肌电手势识别关键技术研究”,起止时间202112月至202312月,在研,负责人


  1. L. Wu, A. Liu, R. K. Ward, Z. J. Wang, and X. Chen*, “Signal Processing for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Review and Current Perspectives”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Accept.

  2. L. Wu, X. Zhang*, K. Wang, X. Chen, and X. Chen, “Improved High-Density Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Control Against Electrode Shift Using Data Augmentation and Dilated Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 2637-2646, 2020.

  3. L. Wu, A. Liu*, X. Zhang, X. Chen, and X. Chen, “Electrode Shift Robust CNN for High-Density Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Control,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-10, 2022.

  4. L. Wu, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Chen, and X. Chen*, “Metric learning for novel motion rejection in high-density myoelectric pattern recognition,”Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 227, pp. 107165, 2021.

  5. L. Wu, A. Liu*, X. Zhang, X. Chen, and X. Chen, “Unknown Motion Rejection in Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Using Convolutional Prototype Network,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 4305-4314, 2022.

  6. L. Wu, X. Chen, X. Chen, and X. Zhang*, “Rejecting Novel Motions in High-Density Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Using Hybrid Neural Networks,” Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 16, 2022.

  7. L. Wu, X. Zhang*, X. Chen, and X. Chen, "Visualized evidences for detecting novelty in myoelectric pattern recognition using 3D convolutional neural networks." In 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), IEEE, pp. 2641-2644.

  8. S. Duan, L. Wu*, B. Xue, A. Liu, R. Qian, and X. Chen*, “A Hybrid Multimodal Fusion Framework for sEMG-ACC-Based Hand Gesture Recognition,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023.

  9. B. Xue, L. Wu*, A. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Chen, and X. Chen*, “Reduce the User Burden of Multiuser Myoelectric Interface via Few-Shot Domain Adaptation,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023.

  10. X. Zhang, L. Wu*, X. Zhang, X. Chen, C. Li, and X. Chen*, “Multi-source domain generalization and adaptation towards cross-subject myoelectric pattern recognition,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 2023.