1. 个人简介
- 认知智能—机器如何更好表示、学习与推理知识,知识+数据库管理系统,理解自然语言和机器语言,基于知识的人工智能编程语言,IMO自动答题等;
- 类脑智能—如何深度借鉴脑科学重要发现设计新的神经网络机制;
- 认知与类脑智能结合—如何更好融合基于逻辑的知识驱动符号流派和基于神经网络的数据驱动连接流派;
- 认知智能与类脑智能在如运维、资管、教育、工业、医疗等领域的应用。
周熠教授在人工智能领域做出了突出贡献,他原创提出新的知识模型——知识方程,也是一阶回答集程序设计的奠基人及主要推动人之一,提出了首个刻画遗忘的公理系统,获得首届美国高考数学问题自动答题机器人竞赛冠军等。在人工智能一流期刊和会议上发表论文50余篇,其中包括在顶级期刊Artificial Intelligence上发表的6篇长文。长期担任人工智能顶级会议程序设计委员会委员,包括IJCAI、AAAI、KR等等。
- 2001.9 – 2006.6 工学博士,人工智能,图书馆VIP计算机科学技术系。
- 1997.9 – 2001.7 工学学士,图书馆VIP少年班系。
•科技部, 科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,多感觉整合的神经机制。
•真知导学 – 认知智能在数学自动批改、智能导学、精准错因分析和精准因材施教等方面的应用。
•认知监测 -多模态人工智能以及智能个性化评测推荐在认知功能及AD等脑疾病方面的应用APP(与上海精神卫生中心合作)。
•阳光心情 – 多模态人工智能以及智能个性化评测推荐在包括抑郁和焦虑等脑疾病方面的应用APP(与上海精神卫生中心合作)。
•自动智商测试竞赛 — 在IJCAI’20上举办自动之上测试竞赛(MAIQ’20)。
•海豚聪学 – 认知人工智能在数学自适应教育中因材施教的应用(与华东师范大学合作)。
•AiFu – 数学高考自动答题系统(与科大讯飞及复旦大学合作),输入为英语数学问题(包括代数题、应用题与几何题等),输出为其解答流程和答案。AiFu参加由SemEval-2019组织的首届美国数学高考(SAT)自动答题竞赛并获得冠军,校准准确率为其他队伍4倍以上。
•groc2.0 – groc加强版本(与Vernon Asunsion、陈寅和张焰合作)。该系统在原有的groc基础上,处理带有聚合函数的通用一阶回答集逻辑程序。输入为带有聚合函数的通用一阶回答集逻辑程序以及数据库,输出为它的一个回答集。该系统的基本原理基于代表性论文2。
•groc – 一阶回答集程序求解器(与Vernon Asunsion、陈寅和张焰合作)。输入为一阶回答集逻辑程序以及数据库,输出为它的一个回答集。该系统的基本原理基于代表性论文4。
•dl2asp – 缺省逻辑求解器(与万海、陈寅和张焰合作)。输入为缺省逻辑知识库,输出为该知识库的一个模型。其基本原理是通过将缺省逻辑转换成回答集程序。
•asp2sat – 命题回答集程序求解器(与Vernon Asunsion和张焰合作)。输入为命题回答集逻辑程序,输出为它的一个回答集。其基本原理是通过增加新的变量将逻辑程序转换成命题逻辑。
•CTLupdater – 自动时序逻辑公式修正工具(与Michael Kelly和张焰合作)。输入为不一致的时序逻辑CTL的知识库,通过计算并修正其模型,根据极小变动原则,输出修正过后的一致的知识库。
•SHAPE: An Unified Approach to Evaluate the Contribution and Cooperation of Individual Modalities. Pengbo Hu, Xingyu Li and Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’22). 2022.
•DDDM: A Brain-Inspired Framework for Robust Classification. Xiyuan Chen, Xingyu Li, Yi Zhou and Tianming Yang. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’22). 2022.
•Transfer learning for fine-grained entity typing. Feng Hou, Ruili Wang, Yi Zhou Knowledge Information Systems. 63(4): 845-866. 2021.
•Improving Entity Linking through Semantic Reinforced Entity Embeddings. Feng Hou, Ruili Wang, Jun He, Yi Zhou. ACL 2020: 6843-6848. 2020.
•Visual Analytics of Genomic and Cancer Data: A Systematic Review. Zhonglin Qu, ChgnWei Lau, Yi Zhou, Quang Vinh Nguyen, Daniel R. Catchpoole. Cancer Informatics. 2019.
•How Well Do Machines Perform on IQ test: a Comparison Study on a Large-Scale Dataset. Yusen Liu, Fangyuan He, Haodi Zhang, Guozheng Rao, Zhiyong Feng, Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of IJCAI’19. 2019.
•KDSL: a Knowledge-Driven Supervised Learning Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation. Shi Yin, Yi Zhou, Chengguang Li, Shangfei Wang, Jianmin Ji, Xiaoping Chen and Ruili Wang. In Proceedings of IJCNN’19. 2019.
•AiFu at SemEval-2019 Task 10: A Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Integrated System for SAT Math Question Answering. Keyu Ding, Yifan Liu, Yi Zhou, Binbin Deng, Chaoyang Peng, Dinglong Xue, Qinzhuo Wu, Qi Zhang and Enhong Chen). In Proceedings of NAACL’19. 2019.
•Dual-enhanced Word Representations Based on Knowledge Base. Fangyuan He, Haodi Zhang, Zhiyong Feng and Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of International Semantic Web Conference 2018 (ISWC’18). 2018
•From First-Order Logic to Assertional Logic. Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of AGI’17. 2017.
•Integrating Answer Set Programming with Semantic Dictionaries for Robot Task Planning. Dongcai Lu, Yi Zhou, Feng Wu and Xiaoping Chen. In Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’17). 2017.
•A Progression Semantics for First-Order Logic Programs. Yi Zhou, Yan Zhang, Artificial Intelligence. 250: 58-79. 2017.
•First-Order Disjunctive Logic Programming vs Normal Logic Programming. Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’15). 2015.
•Ordered Completion for Logic Programs with Aggregates. Vernon Asuncion, Yin Chen, Yan Zhang and Yi Zhou. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). 224: 72-102. 2015.
•Knowledge Forgetting in Answer Set Programming. Yisong Wang, Yan Zhang Yi Zhou and Mingyi Zhang. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). 50: 31-70. 2014.
•Preferred First-order Answer Set Programs. Vernon Asuncion, Yan Zhang, Yi Zhou. ACM Transaction on Computational Logic (TOCL). 15(2):11. 2014.
•From Disjunctive to Normal Logic Programs via Unfolding and Shifting. Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of the Twenty-first European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’14). 2014
•First-Order Default Logic Revisited. Yi Zhou. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on The Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’14). 2014.
•Ordered Completion for First-order Logic Programs on Finite Structures (with Vernon Asuncion, Fangzhen Lin and Yan Zhang). Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). 177-179, 1-24, 2012.
•Ordered Completion for Logic Programs with Aggregates. (with Vernon Asuncion and Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’12). 2012.
•Forgetting in Logic Programs under Strong Equivalence (with Yisong Wang, Yan Zhang and Mingyi Zhang). In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on The Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’12). 2012.
•RDL: Enhancing Description Logics with Rules (with Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the 25 th Australia Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI’12). 2012.
•Loop Separable Programs and Their First-order Definability (with Yin Chen, Fangzhen Lin and Yan Zhang). Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). 175(3-4), 890-913, 2011.
•A Logical Study of Partial Entailment (with Yan Zhang). Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 40, 25-56, 2011.
•From Answer Set Logic Programming to Circumscription via Logic of GK (with Fangzhen Lin). Artificial Intelligence, 175(1): 267-271. 2011.
•Bounded Forgetting (with Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’11). 2011.
•Progression Semantics for Disjunctive Programs (with Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’11). 2011.
•Translating Theories into Logic Programs. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11). 2011.
•Foundations of Tree-like Local Model Updates (with Yan Zhang and Michael Kelly). In proceedings of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’10). 2010.
•Some Negative Results on First-order Definability of Answer Set Programs (with Yin Chen and Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’10). 2010.
•Ordered Completion for First-Order Logic Programs on Finite Structures (with Vernon Asuncion, Fangzhen Lin and Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’10). 2010.
•On the Progression Semantics and Boundedness of Answer Set Programs (with Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’10). 2010.
•Forgetting Revisited (with Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’10). 2010.
•Knowledge Forgetting: Properties and Applications (with Yan Zhang). Artificial Intelligence. 173(16-17), 1525-1537. 2009.
•General Default Logic (with Fangzhen Lin and Yan Zhang). Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 57(2), 125-160. 2009.
•Partial Goal Satisfaction and Goal Change (with Leon van der Torre and Yan Zhang). In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’08): 413-420, 2008.
•From Answer Set Logic Programming to Circumscription via Logic of GK (with Fangzhen Lin). In proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’07): 441-446, 2007.
•Partial Implication Semantics for Desirable Propositions (with Xiaoping Chen). In proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’04): 606-612, 2004.