Texas A&M University Zixiang Xiong教授应邀访问我校并作高水平学术前沿讲座
2012年12月14日,美国Texas A&M University电子与计算机工程学院Zixiang Xiong教授应邀访问我校。上午10:00,由电子工程与信息科学系刘斌副教授主持,Zixiang Xiong教授在西区电三楼314会议室做了一场题为“Quadratic Gaussian Multiterminal Source Coding”的学术报告。
Zixiang Xiong教授在报告中首先介绍了Classical rate-distortion、Slepian-Wolf 编码、Wyner-Ziv编码等与Multiterminal Source Coding相关的基础知识,并在此基础之上引出此次报告的主题“Quadratic Gaussian Multiterminal Source Coding”。Zixiang Xiong教授在报告中重点介绍了CEO问题,也就是多终端信源编码问题,并向大家详细介绍了其针对此问题做的相关工作。报告的最后,Zixiang Xiong教授邀请大家参与今天下午将要给本科生讲授的一节题为“From the Great Wall to the iPhone: The carbon to silicon revolution in communications”介绍性课程。
Pro. Zixiang Xiong简介
Zixiang Xiong received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996. From 1995 to 1997, he was with Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, first as a visiting student, and then as a Research Associate. From 1997 to 1999, he was with the University of Hawaii. Since 1999, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, where he is currently a Professor and head of the telecommunications and signal processing group. He spent summers 1998 and 1999 with Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, and his sabbatical leave with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, during spring 2010. His research interests are network information theory, code designs and applications, networked multimedia, and biomedical image processing.
Dr. Xiong received the National Science Foundation Career Award in 1999, an Army Research Office Young Investigator Award in 2000, and an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2001. He also received the 2006 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Best Paper Award. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY from 1999 to 2005, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING from 2002 to 2005, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING from 2002 to 2006, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (PART B) from 2005 to 2009. He is currently an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. He was the Publications Chair of ICASSP 2007, the Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of ITW 2007, and the Tutorial Chair of ISIT 2010. He is a fellow of the IEEE.