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Kung Yao教授应邀访问我校并做高水平学术前沿讲座

  • 谭勇_006
  • 2012-05-29
  • 110

  2012年5月24日,美国UCLA 大学电子工程系特聘教授Kung Yao教授应邀访问我校。Yao教授的此次访问得到了“图书馆VIP研究生教育创新研究计划”的支持。下午两点半,由电子工程与信息科学系信号与信息处理学科点负责人叶中付教授主持,Yao教授在该系西区电三楼314室做了“Beamforming for DOA and Localization in Sensor Networks”学术报告。

  Yao教授在报告中首先介绍了传感器网络在商业、工业等不同领域上的广泛应用,具体介绍了三种不同的声学波束阵列。第一种阵列利用了四个均匀放置的助听麦克风,基于最大能量准则设计波束器。第二种阵列利用了多个随机放置的麦克风,基于最大特征矢量设计宽带波束器,进行目标的检测定位以及信号增强。第三种阵列基于近似最大似然准则,对单个或多个声源进行近场和远场定位。介绍了这三种阵列在场地监测、鸟的检测和定位等方面的应用。Yao教授的介绍深入浅出,幽默风趣,引起了在座老师和学生的浓厚兴趣。报告结束后,气氛非常活跃,大家纷纷提出问题,跟Kung Yao教授进行了深入细致的讨论。

  Kung Yao教授简介:Kung Yao received the B.S.E. (Highest Honors), M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering all from Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. Then he was a NAS-NRC Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley. Presently, he is a Distinguished Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at UCLA. In 1985-1988, he served as an Assistant Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at UCLA. His research and professional interests include sensor networks, communication theory and system, and signal/array processing. Dr. Yao received the 1993 IEEE Signal Processing Society Senior Award in VLSI Signal Processing, the 2008 Joint IEEE Communication Theory Society – IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, and the 2012 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Communications and Networks.  He is the co-editor of a two volume series of an IEEE Reprint Book on "High Performance VLSI Signal Processing," IEEE Press, 1997.  He is the co-author of the book “Detection and Estimation for Communication and Radar Systems,” to be published by Cambridge Press, 2012. Dr. Yao is an IEEE Life Fellow.  He has served as associate editors of various sensor networking and communication journals and also organized various sessions in these topics. He has been the PI and Co-PI of various government and industrial sensor networking and communication research grants in recent years. He is a research faculty in the National Science Foundation Funded Center on Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS) at UCLA and the Co-PI of the Public Safety Network Systems Laboratory.